Solberg-Hunterdon Airport
39 Thor Solberg Rd
Readington, NJ 08889
ph: 407-497-4932
alt: 973-882-5464
Friday PM
Don Felder - An Evening at the Hotel California
Saturday Teen Concert
Saturday PM
Sunday afternoon
Supporting Acts
Family fun, magic, The Flying Pages, amusement rides, Red Bull Air Force Skydive and Wingsuit, FIREWORKS
The fan is one of the most dangerous items on the launch field and should be shown great respect and handled with care
Crown line
The crown line person stabilizes the envelope during inflation and acts as an anchor for the rising balloon. Usually the pilot will choose a large, strong person for this position.
Don't put the rope around any part of you
Make sure you have gloves on
Pull with your weight - knees bent - pull hard and steady
Act as an anchor, don't try to counter the roll of the balloon
Keep pressure on the balloon as it rises until the pilot tells you to come in
Give the crown line to the pilot for connecting to the uprights
These crew members hold the mouth of the balloon open so the fan can fill the envelope with cold air
Watch the pilot for any signals she may give
Once the balloon is cold packed the pilot will then turn on the burner and put heat to the balloon. Keep the throat of the balloon open until the balloon starts to come upright
At this point put your weight on the basket as it stands upright
Keep your feet outside of the ropes and off the small white electrical wire
When putting weight on the basket watch your feet to make sure they aren't under the basket as it tips upright
The pilot will release the tie-off rope (watch out in case the rope springs back towards the chase vehicle)
The pilot may ask the crew to walk the balloon away from the chase vehicle or another balloon as she ascends
Never hold onto any part of the balloon or basket as the pilot is taking off - do not leave the ground unless you are in the basket - let go at all costs as a drop from any height can cause injuries
Once the pilot has left the launch site the crew chief is in charge and will direct the chase crew in loading the fan, tie-off ropes and any other items left at the launch site. Once a re-check of the area to make sure that nothing is being left the chase crew will load into the vehicle to chase the balloon.
Follow all driving regulations
The driver of the chase vehicle should keep their attention on driving not the balloon or a map
Other crew should watch the balloon and direct the driver appropriately
Don't drive onto someone's property without permission
Try to stay ahead of the balloon to assist the pilot on landing
Realize that other drivers will be watching the balloon too and may not be paying attention to their driving
The pilot can land without a chase crew being there so don't be worried - be SAFE
Don't get in front of the basket as it is landing
When the pilot advises that she is going to land the crew should be ready to assist with gloves on. One crew member should try to locate the landowner to obtain permission to use the area to land in and retrieve the balloon. The pilot can land without ground crew assistance but usually prefers to have the crew there to help. When the balloon is coming in to land do not get in front of it as it will knock you down and can injure you if it lands on you. Try to "catch" the balloon by the sides or back of the basket as it hits the ground and put your weight on the basket. Once the balloon stops moving keep your weight on until the pilot tells you what to do next. The pilot will pull out the top to release the air and the envelope will come down. One crew member
should have the crown line and pull the envelope out straight as it descends to the ground.
The pilot and crew will then "milk" the rest of the air out of the balloon and put the envelope in its bag. The crew then loads the basket, envelope and burners back into the chase vehicle. Make sure to check the landing site for any items that might have been dropped. Once this is done it's time for the celebration. Champagne and soft drinks are served and shared with the pilot,
passengers, crew and landowners to thank them for their help.
All Photos are the exclusive property of Hot Air Balloon Crew unless stated otherwise.
No pictures may be used without our express written permission. Copyright 2007
Solberg-Hunterdon Airport
39 Thor Solberg Rd
Readington, NJ 08889
ph: 407-497-4932
alt: 973-882-5464